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Pinewood Derby Race

Pinewood Derby

Get ready to rev up your creativity and racing spirit! The Pinewood Derby is one of Cub Scouting’s most exciting and cherished events, where Scouts and their families design, build, and race their own wooden cars down the track. Whether you’re a first-time participant or a seasoned racer, the Derby is an opportunity to showcase craftsmanship, teamwork, and friendly competition. It’s not just about winning—it’s about having fun, learning new skills, and creating lasting memories with your Scout and our Pack community. Let’s build, race, and celebrate together!

Pinewood Derby is Coming Up Soon!
Sunday, March 9th from 12 to 2 PM at Mill Valley Scout Hall.
Pizza and cupcakes will be served! See rules below.

What is the Pinewood Derby?

A pinewood derby is a race between wooden cars pulled down a track by gravity. The first derby dates back to a Cub Scout event in 1953, and it has been a cherished tradition since then. The cars are built from standard kits by the Cub Scouts with guidance, and where needed, assistance from their family. The races are spirited and fun, and car designs can be whimsical or realistic limited only by the imagination of the Scout and the Derby rules summarized below. 


We encourage the Scout to be the primary designer and builder of their car, but allow them to seek help as appropriate to their skill level. A Scout will be more appreciative racing a car the help build than a car built for them. Younger scouts like Lions and Tigers naturally will need more parental assistance. 

Derby Rules and Regulations

All cars must be powered solely by gravity, and pass the following inspection to qualify for the race:


  1. Width shall not exceed 2-3/4 inches.

  2. Length shall not exceed 7 inches.

  3. Weight shall not exceed 5 ounces.

  4. Axles, wheels, and body shall be from the materials provided in the kit. Additional wheels can be purchased separately.

  5. Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited.

  6. No lubricating oil may be used. Axles may be lubricated with powdered graphite or silicone.

  7. The car shall not ride on any kind of spring.

  8. The car must be free-wheeling, with no starting devices.

  9. No loose materials of any kind are allowed in the car.

  10. All cars must have the scout's full name and den legibly written on the bottom please.

Notes on Racing

Please put your scout's full name, den (eg wolf, bear) on the bottom of the car. To keep cars organized the race organizers reserve the right to place a label or write a number in permanent pen on the bottom of the car. 


Racing results are tabulated by computer, based on fastest average times. It is therefore possible to beat the car next to you in an individual race, or even more than one race, while scoring a lower overall average time. The computer standings will be the final say. Each car will usually race in every lane once to account for any differences in lanes. Trophies will be awarded to the fastest car per den level (eg amongst all wolves), and for the fastest overall car in the pack. The track has seen a number of derbies so some variation from lane to lane is expected and part of the fortunes of racing. 


Once submitted for racing cars can not be substituted or modified. However if damage occurs before or during racing, the race organizers will at their discretion attempt to modify or repair cars to keep them running for the duration of the race. Please understand our capacity to do this is limited. Cars will be returned after racing, but the fastest car in each den can proceed on to the Marin County championships at the County Fair and if they want to participate in that race they must leave the cars with the scoutmaster at the end of racing. Marin Council reserves the right to perform their own inspections and reject cars for entry.

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