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Welcome to Pack 133 – Mill Valley’s Family Cub Scout Pack!

Join the adventure and fun of Cub Scouting! We welcome boys and girls ages 5–10 (grades K–5) to build friendships, learn new skills, and grow as leaders in a supportive community.

Scouting FAQs

What is the age and grade range for Cub Scouts?

Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. For more information on rank progression take a look at this PDF or the official advancement page.

Is the Cub Scout Program open to boys and girls?

Yes. Since 2018, the Cub Scout Program has been open to boys and girls.

Can either or both parents be involved in Scouting?

Yes. Both parents are welcome and encouraged to be involved in Scouting.

How much does Pack 133’s Cub Scout Program cost?

The Registration page has detailed information on costs. Pack 133 dues are $150 annually, and Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and the Marin Council fees are $106 per year. You can expect to pay approximately $100.00 to $150.00 for a uniform and all supplies. We also charge a nominal in-kind fee for certain events such as overnights and movie nights to keep the annual dues as low as possible. Depending on how many Pack 133 events you and your Scout choose to attend, you can expect to pay approximately $400-500 over the course of the year.

Which towns and cities does Pack 133 serve?

Pack 133 serves the towns of Mill Valley and Sausalito in Marin County, California.

What are the expectations of my Scout?

Your Scout will get from Scouting what your Scout puts into it. We encourage your Scout to participate in all events, which typically include three to four events per month. Pack 133 usually meets for a one-hour Pack Meeting once per month and organizes an additional event (e.g., a weekend hike or overnight) each month. Dens usually meet separately at least once per month. Marin Council also organizes events throughout the year, including annual overnight events at Camp Marin Sierra and a summer camp at Camp Tamarancho.

What are the expectations of me, as a parent?

At a minimum, parents should expect to procure uniforms and materials for their Scouts; ensure their Scouts attend as many Den meetings, Pack meetings, and overnights as possible; and ensure their Scouts are tracking the advancement requirements for their particular rank.

Parent involvement is required for the success of each Scout and for the success of the Pack. The Pack can do a lot for your Scout, but we do it better when you are involved. We ask each family to participate in some way in helping our pack. There are ways to meaningfully help that can fit most any schedule. Our leaders are all parent volunteers. More details are available on our Parent Participation page.

Where can I find a calendar of events?

Start with the Calendar page, or check in with your Den Leader or Cubmaster ( for more information.

Where can I pick up Scout uniforms and other materials?

See the Uniforms, Patches, and Supplies page for this information.

Will I need to purchase camping equipment?

If you wish to participate in some of the overnights, yes. See the What to Pack for an Overnight page for more information.

What is the difference between a Pack and a Den?

Pack 133 consists of all Scouts: Lion, Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos. Each rank (grade) is further subdivided into dens. In Pack 133, each rank typically has a single den. However, because the optimal den size is six to eight scouts, it is possible to have multiple dens for a single rank (i.e., two Webelos I Scout dens).

What is the mission of the Cub Scout Program?

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. See here for more information.

What are the aims of Scouting?

Character, Citizenship, Personal Fitness, and Leadership. See here for more information.

What is The Scout Oath?

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

What is The Scout Law?

A Scout is:

  • Trustworthy

  • Obedient

  • Loyal

  • Cheerful

  • Helpful

  • Thrifty

  • Friendly

  • Brave

  • Courteous

  • Clean

  • Kind

  • Reverent

Does Scouting contain a religious component?

While the Cub Scout Program does include a faith-based adventure for every rank, Pack 133 operates as a secular organization. We recognize that many families do not associate with any religion and prefer to allow families to decide for themselves whether to integrate their faith into the Cub Scouting Program. Pack 133 respects all beliefs and focuses on the secular goals of character, citizenship, personal fitness, and leadership.

What precautions are in place to ensure the safety of my child?

The safety of your child is the single most important priority. Scouting is safer than ever before and Boy Scouts of America have implemented numerous controls to ensure safety, including:


Upon Joining

  • Volunteer screening database check

  • Criminal background check

  • Youth Protection Training for both youth and adults

  • Youth protection is ingrained in all programs

  • Code of Conduct Agreement



  • No one-on-one interactions

  • Buddy system

  • ​Transparency about parent involvement

  • Mandatory reporting for inappropriate behavior

  • Mandatory reporting of suspected abuse to law enforcement


Additionally, the State of California enacted Assembly Bill 506 of 2021 (AB-506) (formally referred to as California Business and Professions Code Section 18975), which implements new background check and training standards for California Youth Service Organizations. AB 506 will supplement the Boy Scouts of America’s existing obligations to provide a safe environment for the youth we serve and to prevent child abuse and neglect. For more information on AB 506,

For more information on safety generally, visit

I have questions not answered here. Are there other resources?

Yes. For additional Scouting FAQs, visit, or continue to browse the Pack 133 site. For additional questions, please submit an inquiry on our Contact page, or email the Pack 133 Cubmaster at

This sounds great! What do I need to do to get started?

Visit the Registration page to get started!

What is Cub Scouting?

Family-Friendly Fun

Pack 133 is a "Family Pack," welcoming boys and girls to participate in age-appropriate activities. Siblings are often welcome to join in!


Age-Based Dens

Scouts are grouped in Dens by grade and led by parent volunteers, ensuring tailored activities and camaraderie.



We strive to make everyone feel welcome and supported.

Activities You’ll Love

Scouting is all about fun, engaging activities:


  • Outdoor Adventures: Camping at Camp Tamarancho, winter trips to Camp Marin Sierra, and overnight experiences like the USS Hornet.

  • Community Service: Food drives, Earth Day cleanups, and supporting local events.​

  • Traditional Favorites: Pinewood Derby, Rocket Launch Day, and monthly Pack meetings with games, awards, and skits.


View our Activities Page for more details.

Advancement and Growth

Scouts progress through rewarding and engaging ranks:​


  • Lion (Kindergarten): Introduction to Scouting adventures.​

  • Tiger, Wolf, Bear (Grades 1-3): Core Scouting skills and values.

  • Webelos (Grades 4-5): Prepares Scouts for the Arrow of Light, Cub Scouting's highest honor.


Track your Scout's progress with the online Scoutbook tool.

Membership and Dues

Scout membership includes:​


  • National BSA membership​

  • Scouting magazine subscription

  • Supplies like Pinewood Derby kits, patches, and awards.


Annual dues are supplemented by fundraisers like our Popcorn Sale. Check the Registration Page for details.

Parent Participation & Volunteering

Active parent involvement is essential for an active, well-functioning pack! Whether it's helping at meetings, or volunteering for specific roles, parent contributions enrich Pack 133. Learn more on our Parent Participation Page.

Stay Connected

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