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How to Join and Register with Pack 133
Cub Scouting is for girls and boys from kindergarten through the 5th grade. See below for step-by-step registration instructions. Contact us with any questions about becoming part of Pack 133.​
Scout Registration Instructions​
  1. New Scouts, register with Pack 133 on by following this link.

  2. Returning Scouts, you will be billed directly by BSA/Scouting America on the one-year anniversary of your registration date, so keep an eye out for a re-registration email from BSA/Scouting America.​

  3. Pay Pack 133 dues using the PayPal button above.

  4. Complete the Pack 133 Registration & Parent Talent Form (one submission for up to two children).

  5. Obtain a uniform and book from the San Rafael BSA trading post.

  6. PARENTS: We request all parents register with a separate, parental account on and take the Youth Protection Training offered there. The safety and wellbeing of your Scout is our #1 priority.

More Information About Dues & Fees

All scouts will pay a base total of $241 in annual dues:


  • $85 to the national organization (BSA)

  • $6 to the Marin Scout Council

  • $150 to Pack 133


All scouts have the option of paying $15/year for Scout Life Magazine.


Pack 133 will not turn away a family due to financial hardship. Please contact if you would like to discuss a scholarship.

Adult Registration Instructions
(For both New and Returning adults thank you for volunteering to help Pack 133!)
  1. Communicate directly with your Scout’s Den Leader, copying the Cubmaster (

  2. Complete an online adult application by following this link.

  3. Complete mandatory youth protection training (YPT) online training following registration at

  4. Review the Parent Participation page and contact us to let us know what you would like to do to help us out.

  5. Complete position-specific training at

Photo Publishing Policy

In a good-faith effort to promote Scouting and to share within the Scouting community, Mill Valley Pack 133 may publish on our website photos of our Scouts and participating family members performing Pack activities.  We realize that some Scouts, and participating family members, may prefer not to have their photos posted on our website, and to accommodate any such concerns, and, as part of the registration process, you will have an opportunity to consent to the use of your Scout’s image or likeness used in Pack 133 promotions or on the Pack 133 website. We will make every effort to promptly remove any unauthorized photos from our website when notified.

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